Watch the recording - session on 14 July 2021

Watch the recording - session on 15 July 2021

Frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones, or geographical information systems have the potential to improve disaster resilience, through predictive analytics, early warning systems, and risk assessment.  

Connecting Business Initiative (CBi) has been working with the SDG AI Lab to identify practical digital solutions and help private sector networks apply them to disaster preparedness, response and recovery.  

CBi Member Networks have been involved from the beginning of the partnership and their feedback is now essential to identify high impact solutions which could enhance their efficiency in disaster management.  

Session Description:   

The webinar highlights how technology-based solutions can be used by private networks in disaster management context and showcase concrete examples about the use of geographic information system (GIS) and natural language processing (NLP). It provides guidance on what solutions could bring immediate benefits to private sector networks.   

This session follows an initial consultative webinar held in November 2020 where private sector common needs have been identified and partnership objectives refined.  

This concluding webinar is an opportunity to discuss and identify potential ways of future collaboration with CBi networks and possible piloting implementations.  

Session Objectives:  

Private sector networks and external partners have: 

  • Gained an understanding on how new technologies can be used in disaster management context and their concomitant challenges - specifically for the private sector.  
  • Learned how GIS technologies can be used to map SMEs and assess private sector entities’ vulnerabilities;  
  • Learned how NLP can be used for information gathering;   
  • Identified interest for potential pilot projects.  

For more information, please reach out to

Please find below icon to download the presentation slides.

Photo credit: UNSPLASH

CBi - SDG AI Lab Webinar on innovation and new technologies for private sector disaster management (Recording available)

CBi - SDG AI Lab Webinar on innovation and new technologies for private sector disaster management (Recording available)
14 July 2021 | 09:53 - 22:30 (UTC +02:00)