Wednesday, 8 May | 14:00 – 15:30 CEST | Plénière A | in-person only

In managing today's complex challenges — from climate-driven disasters to conflict — cooperation between the public and private sectors has become indispensable. Businesses are playing key roles, from preparing for disasters to responding swiftly and aiding in recovery efforts. As disasters become more frequent and severe worldwide, coordinating across all stakeholders, including the private sector, is essential.

However, building sustainable and effective cross-sectoral partnerships is not easy. Very often, actors in the public and private sectors simply lack a common vocabulary or understanding of how and why “the other side” works.

Working with a multinational corporation, local business, or business federation / chamber of commerce requires humanitarians to view the private sector not just a source of funding, but as a strategic partner in the design and implementation of activities. When done correctly, public- private partnerships build community resilience and reinforce local capacity, ownership, and leadership.

Join us at the 2024 Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week for a discussion on the importance of trust-building between the public and private sectors, and the need for genuine partnerships and coordination for effective disaster management. Our panellists, from across geographies and contexts, will share insights from recent and ongoing emergencies.

Advance registration is required. Learn more and register online here.


  1. Explore strategies for fostering trust and meaningful partnerships between the local private sector, governments, and humanitarian entities.
  2. Challenge traditional views of humanitarian response and explore the untapped potential of local businesses in enhancing resilience.
  3. Offer recommendations for involving local business networks early in preparedness and response, as well as recovery efforts.


While we welcome participants from the humanitarian, development, government, academic, and private sector communities, we expect that the primary audience will be humanitarian actors. By promoting a collaborative environment, the panel aims to facilitate discussions that build trust, encourage partnerships, and empower local businesses as key players in disaster management.


14:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
14:15-14:55 Panel Discussion: The Power of Trust – Sustainable Partnerships with Local Businesses for More Effective Crisis Response
14:55-15:00 Firestarter
15:00-15:25 Interactive Q&A
15:25 Closing Remarks

HNPW 2024 - The Power of Trust: Sustainable Partnerships with Local Businesses for More Effective Crisis Response

8 May 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30 (UTC +00:00)
HNPW 2024 - The Power of Trust: Sustainable Partnerships with Local Businesses for More Effective Crisis Response
8 May 2024 | 13:00 - 14:30 (UTC +00:00)